This property is not currently available. It may be sold or temporarily removed from the market.

Development Opportunity – Freehold Public House Located in York

Business ID:
  • Ref: SMP1044
  • Type: Commercial Property
  • Availability: Sold
  • Business ID: SMP1044
  • Price Postfix: Veritas
  • Make Enquiry

Full Details

Large property and grounds
Main road frontage
Separate Function room
Possible development opportunity- STPP
Site area: 0.8246ha

The property is a large detached brick-built construction with pitched tiled roofs.
The site is extensive and includes the pub itself, a large car park to the front and side and fields extending to 9.794 acre's.
The ground floor consists of several trading areas and can accommodate seating for around 60 customers,
a commercial catering kitchen and a separate function room (40 people) that could also be used for additional diners when the restaurant is busy.
The public house also benefits from a separate function room or overspill restaurant which can comfortably seat 40 customers.
The first floor is used for residential accommodation.
Externally, there is a trading area which can accommodate approximately 70 seated customers.
Situated to the rear, barns can be found which are all primarily used in conjunction with the public house.
Local information
The property is located in a prominent trading position and fronts the busy A64 trunk road which connects York
(approximately 6 miles to the southwest) and Scarborough approximately 35 miles to the north-east).

Additional information
We understand the property is not listed and a planning application has already been submitted for the development of A planning application has already been submitted for the development of 2 x 5 bedroom residential dwellings and is pending a decision from the local council.

Planning ref: 19/02018/FUL
Planning detail:

Erection of 2no. five bedroom detached dwellings with associated landscaping following demolition of former Public

All enquiries regarding planning matters should be directed to York City Council.

Energy performance
The property has an Energy Performance Asset Rating of D-95